Archive for 2013

The Smith Family

Thursday, February 14, 2013

This is one of my favorite families in the entire world.  I adore them.  I love J & V.  And I love their kids.  We are thankful for the blessing of having met them here in Hawaii and look forward to the day that the Army brings us back together.  

We took these photos the day that they left Hawaii and gave E and my J a chance to play together one last time.  Lots of tears were shed, but we are thankful for the plans that the Lord has laid out for each of our families.  

Miss E is never shy around my camera.  I love her to bits!  What a little spark she is.  Please, Lord, let her be the wife I have been praying for Josiah HA!


Mr. J is another story.  I love him to bits too, but he HATES the camera!  Even with his hatred for the camera, he still manages to rock it...


Somehow, his mom was able to make him smile and we were able 
to capture a few of his gorgeous grin!

Then it was time to play.  Look at these little goobers...Such great friends.  I hear about her everyday and about how much he misses her.  I think little man is going to be a sap like his mama...

My favorite...

It was almost time for them to go, so Miss E thought some gangam style 
would help the mood...

Would love to know what words were exchanged during this secret...

Please don't think me a terrible mother...he was reprimanded for that HA!

The sweetest of friends...

 We love and miss you, Smith Family!  Praying that the Lord is blessing your time in SC.  Aloha for now and can't wait to see you soon!

Much Love,

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Miss M

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hello Everyone!

I am so excited to share a new blog and Miss M's images with you!  

I wanted to stretch myself with this shoot.  Try something different with a fresh perspective...get away from the beach haha.  Miss M and her mom were more than willing to indulge me and let me have reign over the process.  We had a lot more planned, but time and people got in our way, so we are hoping to do something special before we leave the island.  

Thanks M for being such an awesome model and for just being you!  You make me laugh like no one else...

I hope you all had as much fun viewing as I did shooting!

Much Love,


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